Through The Cracks – Mint Theatre Society
Stonnall Village Hall
Friday 19th May 2023 – Dress Rehearsal
By Nigel Gambles
Photography – Nigel Gambles Photography
I was lucky enough to be invited to the dress rehearsal of Mint Theatres new production which is quite a departure from their usual light hearted comedy.
Through The Cracks is a trio of “Horror Plays”, (think Tales Of the Unexpected) The plays have been written and adapted by Charlotte and Ellie Ball.
I don’t really want to spoil the show for those of you who will be going so a brief line on each will have to suffice. The first play set at a Victorian lead mine that hides a horrible secret, this is a one woman story and delivered in an amazing performance by Ellie Ball. The second is set in a B&B so if you are looking for somewhere to stay she has got room for you!! great performances by Andrew Hughes and Liz Daly…… and the third which I will say was my favourite and the most spooky. Set in a hotel and on a beach will you loose your mind “Oh whistle and Ill come to you my lad” again excellent performances but outstanding in this one was Alex Howell
If you get the opportunity to go and see this show and support these wonderful amateurs I can assure you that you will really love show and appreciate the hard work put in by the seven actors / stage hands and general help.
For tickets please click the link or call 07783823990